Categorías de Desempeño 2019

Thursday 10 November 2016

The food

I don’t know really much about food, but I can talk about some things that I like me and dislike me. The food that I eat more frequently is the hot dogs, I know that is not the more healthy food, but I like. In general I like the fast food, horrible invent of the capitalistic industry. Things like French fries, hamburgers, “empanadas”, are very delicious for me. The food that I don’t like is the sweet things, I never was like things like candys, muffins, cakes, etc. I was never eat cake for a birthday in reality. I don’t know cook very well, so I don’t eat more sophisticated things, an important part of my alimentation is spaghetti and rice, with things like sausages or eggs. I would like to go to a free buffet, I only went in one time and doesn’t like very much, I would like to try again. Other sandwich that I like is the “konrado”, has cheese, egg, tomatoes and oregano, is the best. Besides I like the juice, especially the peach or orange juice, I don’t drink too much the soft drink. Finally, I said that I like very much the barbecue, and the meat in general; is sad, I hope someday be vegetarian, but I think that is very difficult.