Categorías de Desempeño 2019

Thursday 15 December 2016

My semester

It´s complicated talk about my semester, especially if don’t finish yet. The positive things that I can mencioned are: The posibility of study the palestine comunity in the University in a curse of the career, how that group organise in the fight against the apartheid of the zionist State of Israel. It was very interesting, especially in a career that the most part of time we study borring things.
Other positive topic was the practice of Taekwondo in a sport curse. Altought is not of my favourite martial arts, I learn many things.
One happy fact that I remember of the semester was the “Paseo del ombligo” (outing make in the third year of the career), when we go to a cabin in “Las cruces”. We have the oportunity of share like 2014 generation of soicology. It was nice.
The negative things that i can coment are: my académic performance in one curse, especially because if I reproved I left the career. I reproved that curse one time and I can’t do it again.
I am not sure if I should follow here.
In the year, happen more interesting thing: the movilization of 2 months. I went to Temuco for a meeting for the defense of the territories. I went to Concepción y Puerto Montt in the process of fight for the enviorment problem of Chiloe. Good times.
I don’t know in what category put English jaja I don’t like the class in general, but the disposition of the teacher was good.

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