Categorías de Desempeño 2019

Thursday 29 September 2016

Revolution anniversary

I have never visited other countries, so I am not very sure what is my favorite option. I think that I would like to visit Russia the next year, because is the hundred anniversary of the Revolution from 1917. I would like to visit the red square in Moscú, the kremlin and the Lenin tomb. Also, I would like to travel in the transiberiano train from Moscú to Vladivostok.
I don’t know very much about Russia, just the history based on their political history and some specific facts like Chernobyl disaster or the eccentricity actions of Putin.
One of the problems that I have is the language, so I would have to study Russian to make posible this objective. Anyway, is very improbable that I travel, so I don’t make fake hopes.
Also, in an improbable case like I say, I don’t like to travel alone. I prefer to do this “adventure” with some friend, specially someone that shares my felling.

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