Categorías de Desempeño 2019

Thursday 6 October 2016

My favorite present

A few years ago, in a birthday, I don’t remember the year specifically, I received my electric guitar.  For me it was the best present that someone can give me, and the person who gave me that, was my mother. I liked it because I played an acoustic guitar for 3 years approximately, and I wished can play songs with distortion and other effects. Besides, in that time, I listened many bands of heavy metal or metalcore and my dream was could play like that people. Anyway, I played with a band in my high school, we play in different places, and we had a great time. Definitely, I have good memories of that period. Now, is in my home, in Viña del Mar. Actually, I don’t play so much, because the university and others things steal an important part of my life. But I hope return to play, because is my favorite hobby and when I finally was a professional, I will buy a great guitar to play all the songs I wish.  

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