Categorías de Desempeño 2019

Thursday 27 October 2016

My favourite job

I never has really sure about what thing do in my life, when I was a child, I always wanted to be a paleontologist, because I like very much the dinosaurs, but after I find that degree doesn´t exist in this country. After, I started to study phisics, because I wanted to learn the mysterys of the universe, and the natural process that happen in our planet, but the dicipline, the specìfic subjects I didn´t like. Besides, this carrer is totally separate of the social problems. It was very disappointing.
Now I am studying sociology, a interesting social science for the study, but I am not sure if I would like  to work in the future in something connected with this.
Sincerelly, now I dont have any idea in what work I like to be, but if I have to choose something I like to work in a Ketchup Factory. I like too much the Ketchup in I would like to work in something in relation with that. I don´t know how kétchup is produced, I don´t know what are the different Jobs that the workers do, but I suposse that are not very difficult. The principal reward that I like to has is the possibility to take all the Ketchup that I want.

1 comment:

  1. I also like the ketchup but with mayonnaise haha, good luck!
