Categorías de Desempeño 2019

Thursday 15 December 2016

My semester

It´s complicated talk about my semester, especially if don’t finish yet. The positive things that I can mencioned are: The posibility of study the palestine comunity in the University in a curse of the career, how that group organise in the fight against the apartheid of the zionist State of Israel. It was very interesting, especially in a career that the most part of time we study borring things.
Other positive topic was the practice of Taekwondo in a sport curse. Altought is not of my favourite martial arts, I learn many things.
One happy fact that I remember of the semester was the “Paseo del ombligo” (outing make in the third year of the career), when we go to a cabin in “Las cruces”. We have the oportunity of share like 2014 generation of soicology. It was nice.
The negative things that i can coment are: my académic performance in one curse, especially because if I reproved I left the career. I reproved that curse one time and I can’t do it again.
I am not sure if I should follow here.
In the year, happen more interesting thing: the movilization of 2 months. I went to Temuco for a meeting for the defense of the territories. I went to Concepción y Puerto Montt in the process of fight for the enviorment problem of Chiloe. Good times.
I don’t know in what category put English jaja I don’t like the class in general, but the disposition of the teacher was good.

Thursday 10 November 2016

The food

I don’t know really much about food, but I can talk about some things that I like me and dislike me. The food that I eat more frequently is the hot dogs, I know that is not the more healthy food, but I like. In general I like the fast food, horrible invent of the capitalistic industry. Things like French fries, hamburgers, “empanadas”, are very delicious for me. The food that I don’t like is the sweet things, I never was like things like candys, muffins, cakes, etc. I was never eat cake for a birthday in reality. I don’t know cook very well, so I don’t eat more sophisticated things, an important part of my alimentation is spaghetti and rice, with things like sausages or eggs. I would like to go to a free buffet, I only went in one time and doesn’t like very much, I would like to try again. Other sandwich that I like is the “konrado”, has cheese, egg, tomatoes and oregano, is the best. Besides I like the juice, especially the peach or orange juice, I don’t drink too much the soft drink. Finally, I said that I like very much the barbecue, and the meat in general; is sad, I hope someday be vegetarian, but I think that is very difficult.

Thursday 27 October 2016

My favourite job

I never has really sure about what thing do in my life, when I was a child, I always wanted to be a paleontologist, because I like very much the dinosaurs, but after I find that degree doesn´t exist in this country. After, I started to study phisics, because I wanted to learn the mysterys of the universe, and the natural process that happen in our planet, but the dicipline, the specìfic subjects I didn´t like. Besides, this carrer is totally separate of the social problems. It was very disappointing.
Now I am studying sociology, a interesting social science for the study, but I am not sure if I would like  to work in the future in something connected with this.
Sincerelly, now I dont have any idea in what work I like to be, but if I have to choose something I like to work in a Ketchup Factory. I like too much the Ketchup in I would like to work in something in relation with that. I don´t know how kétchup is produced, I don´t know what are the different Jobs that the workers do, but I suposse that are not very difficult. The principal reward that I like to has is the possibility to take all the Ketchup that I want.

Thursday 6 October 2016

My favorite present

A few years ago, in a birthday, I don’t remember the year specifically, I received my electric guitar.  For me it was the best present that someone can give me, and the person who gave me that, was my mother. I liked it because I played an acoustic guitar for 3 years approximately, and I wished can play songs with distortion and other effects. Besides, in that time, I listened many bands of heavy metal or metalcore and my dream was could play like that people. Anyway, I played with a band in my high school, we play in different places, and we had a great time. Definitely, I have good memories of that period. Now, is in my home, in Viña del Mar. Actually, I don’t play so much, because the university and others things steal an important part of my life. But I hope return to play, because is my favorite hobby and when I finally was a professional, I will buy a great guitar to play all the songs I wish.  

Thursday 29 September 2016

Revolution anniversary

I have never visited other countries, so I am not very sure what is my favorite option. I think that I would like to visit Russia the next year, because is the hundred anniversary of the Revolution from 1917. I would like to visit the red square in Moscú, the kremlin and the Lenin tomb. Also, I would like to travel in the transiberiano train from Moscú to Vladivostok.
I don’t know very much about Russia, just the history based on their political history and some specific facts like Chernobyl disaster or the eccentricity actions of Putin.
One of the problems that I have is the language, so I would have to study Russian to make posible this objective. Anyway, is very improbable that I travel, so I don’t make fake hopes.
Also, in an improbable case like I say, I don’t like to travel alone. I prefer to do this “adventure” with some friend, specially someone that shares my felling.